Friday, 28 February 2025

Sentinel 9559 tank and sandbox priming

Robert has been adding more primer the to Driver's side of the water tank for Sentinel 9559.

And with the sandboxes being removed a couple of weeks ago, he then moved onto preparing and priming one of the sandboxes.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Trains Today - Remembering 52E

08915 moving the demonstration coal train to the pit road so 401 can access the coal road.

Paul undergoing some driver training on 08915 during the morning line inspection.

Cameron adds the finishing touches to 401's decorations, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the closure of Percy Main shed. 

To learn more about today's anniversary, and the significance of the union flag, please visit the railway's Facebook page, where each day this week we are exploring the history of Percy Main shed.

401's crew (L-R): Cleaner Aadil Majumder, Driver Joe Stuart and Fireman Aaran Denny.

The first train of the day ready to depart the museum with nearly 200 passengers onboard!

401 stood on the site of 52E...

...and running round at Percy Main.

Aaran on the shovel.

Guard Paul closes doors ready for departure.

401 gleaming in the winter sun at Middle Engine Lane.

Aaran keeping a watchful eye on the road ahead... is Aadil.

Paul has been busy recently installing the railway's new dot matrix board in the Tea Room. This will provide visitors with realtime information on all arrivals and departures from Middle Engine Lane.

Joe driving.

Aadil uncoupling at Percy Main.

The pub used by the railwaymen of 52E, the former Blyth and Tyne offices from 1855, is the sole surviving building from Percy Main sheds - seen here from the footplate of 401.

401 shunting the coal wagons back onto the coal road at the end of the day.

The headboard will be carried by the locomotive again on Sunday, before being displayed in the museum.

52E Percy Main Shed Closure 60th Anniversary

The 27th February 2025 marks the 60th Anniversary of the closure of 52E Percy Main Shed. 1855 - 1965.

The works was used to build maintain and store locomotives of the Blyth and Tyne Railway until they were taken over by the North Eastern Railway in 1874.

Percy Main Shed then became a running shed for British Railways, with Shed Code 52E - collating to the North Eastern Region of BR.

Percy Main was unusual in that, between 1937 and 1965, it only had j27 0-6-0's on its books. 

21st July 1963, J27 0-6-0 No.65790, built 1906 at Darlington, scrapped in 1966.

Shed Foreman of Percy Main Shed, 22nd September 1963.

Our Southern most station on our railway is located at Percy Main, and is built on the site of the former Blyth and Tyne locomotive works.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Percy Main Anniversary Head Board

Over the past week Joe has been preparing a new head board to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the closure of 52E Percy Main Shed.

Before fixing the boarder or letters down, they were put in place loose to assess spacing.

Joe begins priming the lettering, having already primed the backing board.

Joe since filled and sanded back the letters, numbers and boarder, Cameron applies the final coat of primer before blue spray paint will be applied.

Elsewhere in the workshop, Aaran has been fabricating a bracket for the anniversary headboard. Above he is seen forming the bracket shape to fit over a standard lamp bracket for our steam locomotives, and below, drilling some holes for fixing to the anniversary headboard.

The finished article, ready to be placed on the locomotive for our Half-Term running day.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Jacking and Packing

Today, a small team has been undertaking more jacking and packing of the south crossover.

James using a handheld tamper to remedy a twist at the top of the crossover.

Michael and Michael replacing a sleeper on the crossover.

Middle Engine Lane platform fence update

Davey has migrated into the joiner's shop to continue with the priming of the replacement fence panels.

Set up using one of the workbenches, and with a lot more space, Davey can prime more panels at once. Speeding up the process.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Half Term Trains

401 raising steam ready for a day of hauling trains for our first half-term running day.

Aaran filling 401's tank.

Dylan building his fire.

Aadil cleaning.

Driver Michael oiling up.

401's motion and tank looking immaculate.

The view from the footplate.

Dylan ashing out at the end of the day.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Wagon Plate Painting

Aadil painting the lettering on a wagon plate this evening...

401 cleaning preparation

Yesterday, Aadil was in the shed washing 401's tank and cab side in preparation for the beginning of our 2025 running season - starting on Sunday 23rd February.

Passenger trains will depart Middle Engine Lane at 11:30am, 12:30pm, 14:00pm and 15:00pm.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Miniature Railway Progress

Matt, Tom and Michael have been persevering with removing the container floor today. Once the floor has been removed, the container can be removed to allow for the construction of the next section of the miniature railway.

Adam and Paul laying track over the recently ballasted station area.

Adam and Thomas packing.

The main station has now been packed and fully levelled.

The second station has received the same attention too, removing some noticeable humps and bringing the track further to the platform edge.