Sunday 16 June 2024

Middle Engine Lane in Bloom

Middle Engine Lane is looking colourful thanks to the efforts of volunteer Rob Kitching, who has spruced up the planters along the platform.

401 in Steam Today

Steaming up on the coal road.

Coaling up.

A crowd of passengers gathering at the bottom of Percy Main platform to watch 401 run round.

Backing onto the train.

Parked in the north headshunt at Middle Engine Lane over lunch.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Stick Welding on No.69

Over the past week Aaran and Cameron have been turning their hands at stick welding under the tutelage of Michael. First was the two handle brackets. These connect the handrails used for getting into the cab to the cab sides. After inspection it was noted that they had become pitted on both the top and underside. They then moved onto welding up a severely pitted section on the reverser quadrant, which was removed from the frames last month, so this activity could be completed.

Michael prepping one of the handrail brackets ready for welding.

Aaran spurs down his first bead.

The result. Not bad for a first time.

The pitted section of the reverser quadrant was wire wheeled to ensure a clean metal surface was achieved ready for welding.

Cameron filling up the pits with weld.

Aaran completes the section, now ready to be ground back flush.

Aaran grinding back the welds.

Cameron takes over to complete the job.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Work Continues on No.69's Tank

Work has continued on No.69's tank over the past week, with the outside nearing the completion of being primed. Other tasks were completed such as inspection for any holes and bending back square angle bracket which fixes the tank to the front of the cab. All in all, the condition of the metal surprised volunteers as it is in good condition for its age, with hardly any rust and a handful of small holes which won't be too much of a headache to fix.

Cameron measures the lettering and lining before the paint is removed.

Robert begins needle gunning the front face of the tank.

Back of the tank shows quite severe pitting, although only one hole was found in the bottom right corner.

Aaran and Robert move on to the fireman's side and radius.

Cameron needle guns the hole for the dome, whilst Robert continues on the side.

Aaran heats the bent angle bracket for Michael to bend and hammer back square.

The result. A perfectly square bracket ready to connect the tank to the cab when the time comes.

Guards' Van Shop Now Open!

Today, the North Tyneside Steam Railway Association are proud to open the Guards Van Shop, selling a range of railway branded souvenirs.

The shop is situated in the brake compartment of our 1950s heritage train and will be open on arrival at both Middle Engine Lane and Percy Main stations.

Volunteer Cameron manning the shop.

As well as cold drinks and snacks, there's a range of NTSR and NCB No.69 branded clothing on sale.

Friday 7 June 2024

Vegetation Clearance

Michael D has been carrying out some more vegetation clearance today - this time just south of the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate pedestrian crossing...

This is vital for keeping the crossing visible from approaching trains.

Shelter Construction

Today construction has begun on the shelter for the new classroom area on the Woodland Walk...

Taking shape!